We're not sure what they will end up publishing but
this is what the Sensational Sixties Reunion Committee sent to the Welch
Daily News about the 7/30-31 Reunion:
Former Students of Welch High School Attend Class Reunion
Students from the Welch High School (WHS) classes of 1960-1969 convened for a "Sensational Sixties" reunion July 30-31, 1999. Classmates from as far away as California, Texas and New Mexico met informally in Welch at the McDowell County National Bank Community room on Friday, July 30, 1999. The evening activities included a nostalgic walk to the school "On the Hill" where they were addressed by WHS alumni and current McDowell County Superintendent of Schools Kenneth Roberts, and ended with a visit to the Sterling Drive In to partake of that favorite delicacy from the sixties, the "WV Submarine."
Saturday’s activities commenced with a golf tournament at Fountain Springs Golf Course in Peterstown, WV. The students met at the Bluefield Holiday Inn Saturday evening for class pictures (taken by photographer John Spencer, WHS class of 1958) and a banquet and dance. Following the invocation by Penny Money Cooper, class of 1964, Mike Stater, class of 1965 and host announcer, opened the party with an introduction of the reunion committee: Rhonda Lane Goad ’69, Mary Larkin Faulds ’67, Don Juan Collins Spratt Skuja ’61, Carolyn Rhudy Bullion ’66, Rhea Romans Worsham ’65, Jimmy Phillips, Carolyn Lane Fitch, Connie Collins and Ronnie Collins ’64.
Mike Stater gave a moving statement about the impact of events in the sixties and Connie Collins presented a heart warming tribute honoring the late Edward Richardson, former principal of Welch High School. The 230 in attendance were then addressed by Martha Hurt Moore, WHS class of 1960 and Mayor of the City of Welch. She enlightened the audience on the status of several renewal projects underway and planned for the City. The Mayor’s presentation was filled with pride of the State of West Virginia and the town of Welch and was greeted with a standing ovation.All former cheerleaders in attendance led the alumni in the Welch High School Pep Song. The room erupted in cheers when Vic Nystrom, class of 1963 and last head football coach of Welch High School, surprised the crowd with a display of the memorable "barrel" painted in maroon and white. (Started in the early 40s, the barrel was a symbol of the rivalry between the Welch and Gary football teams and was awarded to the winning team each year.) The party continued with dancing to the rock tunes of the 50s and 60s and lots of "table hopping" as the students visited with friends of yesteryears.
A note from the reunion committee: "Love of our school and our town will always be in our hearts. We extend our appreciation to all who donated their time, talents and gifts to make this a most memorable event. Thanks to the McDowell County National Bank for the use of the Community Room. Special thanks to Flowers by Reba, operated by our own Reba McPeake Honaker WHS ’60, for all the help with the decorations. Thanks to the Sterling Drive In for the nice welcome and prompt service we received Friday. Thanks to the Welch Daily News for their efforts in helping us notify former WHS sixties students of this reunion. Thanks to the City of Welch for the warm welcome. Thanks to State Senator John Fanning for the West Virginia memento. Thanks to all the other establishments in McDowell County and the surrounding area (Herndon Processing Company, Princeton Pepsi, Chris Ann Shop, T&T Pontiac, Pick Hylton’s Country Corner, Freestate Mining Consultants, Inc., Ameribank Iaeger, H.C. Lewis, Horne Lumber Company, The Bluefield Holiday Inn, Country Road Gifts and Collectibles and so many others) for their donations and assistance. And, thanks most of all to those who attended the reunion. Your support made this a successful event. See you all again in 3 years! Please keep us updated on your current address and let all former WHS students of the 60s you run into know that we do plan to do this again and we need their addresses. You can find us on the Internet at http://whs.freeservers.com/60sreunion.htm"